Screenshot showing the clock displaying the time and stating "Daybreak's glow, the hour does show, forty-eight minutes past eight."

Hello, time?

TL;DR I made my first full-stack app - a clock that displays LLM-generated rhymes/poems in addition to a normal analog clock. Check it out at . Background I’ve wanted to learn full-stack development with JavaScript for a while. I kept putting it off, however, as I was unsure where to start. A friend of mine recommended I start with Express.js . Hack Club also had a workshop regarding Express.js, JsonDB ....

July 13, 2024 · 4 min

Rewriting Cross Blogger

Video demonstration Background Nearly two years ago, in August of 2022, I began work on Cross Blogger . Cross Blogger was my first Go project. Originally, I used it as an opportunity to learn about APIs and hoped that I might eventually be able to make it useful. At the beginning of 2023, I stopped working on it, however. I moved on to other programs and stopped using Go. I left it in a state where the program was usable, albeit useless....

June 29, 2024 · 6 min

Introducing LLMail!

Motivation I’ve seen projects where people bring x technology to devices that existed long before the technology existed. For example, while writing this, I learned about Web Rendering Proxy (WRP) which renders websites as a GIF or PNG but uses HTML image maps to allow the client to interact with the webpage. Email is a technology that’s been around since 1971 and will likely continue to be prevalent. Thus, making an email chatbot that used Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate responses seemed cool....

June 9, 2024 · 4 min

Introducing Pystodon!

The beginning I’ve been working on a project called Pystodon . Pystodon is a Mastodon bot that I started working on in August of 2023, nearly a year before writing this post. While developing it, I noticed that I had the opportunity to build it like a framework by focusing on customizability through code. This was my first time building a library-like program and I tried to focus on usability not just for people interacting with the bot but also anyone who wanted to customize it....

June 6, 2024 · 4 min